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Measles is a highly contagious disease that is often dismissed as part of growing up. It is, in fact, a killer. The major problem is that during the infectious stage the child is especially vulnerable to bacterial infection including bronchitis, pneumonia and ear infections which can lead to deafness.

Like many childhood illnesses, measles can start as nothing more than a runny nose and a sore throat and you think your irritable patient just got a cold. Other early symptoms are sore and runny eyes, fever and enlarged glands in the neck, but symptoms are numerous and vary from child to child.

The most telling symptom is spots - small red ones with white centres on the lining of the mouth, followed by spots on the cheeks which turn into a rash around the fourth day, spreading down the body.


Keep the child in bed and away from other children. The virus is spread by air-borne droplets and saliva. Use a blend of anti-viral oils as an air-freshner throughout the house so that other members of the family can inhale it. Spray the child's room too, and keep it warm.

Make a synergidtic blend of equal proportions chamomile German and lavender essential oils  and use 5 drops of this in a pint of tepid water for a wash-down solution. The water should be warm. Add the cloth, wring it out gently wash the child. Do the whole body.

This will soothe the spots and aid recovery. If you wish to cover the spots in calamine lotion, add 5 drops each of chamomile and lavender essential oil to 100ml bottle of calamine and shake well.

Reference: The Fragrant Pharmacy: Valerie Ann Worwood


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