Assertive Oils For Sports, Dance and Work-OutsAssertive Oils For Sports, Dance and Work-Outs
Wheteher you are a dance who wants to keep supple or a runner who wants to win the race, the essential oils have something for you. They not only treat sports injuries but relieve pain and help to keep the muscles toned. They improv e circulation and also protect you from other people's germs while in the close confines of the communal locker room. But they also help in the all important mental area too, improving concentration and giving a positivity that can mean the difference between winning and losing.
Wheteher you are a dance who wants to keep supple or a runner who wants to win the race, the essential oils have something for you. They not only treat sports injuries but relieve pain and help to keep the muscles toned. They improv e circulation and also protect you from other people's germs while in the close confines of the communal locker room. But they also help in the all important mental area too, improving concentration and giving a positivity that can mean the difference between winning and losing.
It is extraordinary that somethin g as gentle as the essential oils can be assertive as well, but they can. Indeed, their varied positive effects on the psyche as well as on the physical body make them an excellent therapy for all who push their body to the outer limits in the challange of sport or the art of dance.This is not to say that the oils aren't strong (the v erruca you caught in the changing room had better look out), but we are here talking about a wide range of qualities from a variety of precious oils.
Although sport is thought of as a healthy activity, sports centres should display a large sign on their door; 'Sport can be injurious to your health.' Tennis elbow is probably the most obvious sports injury but that is only one manifestation of repetitive strain syndrome which collectively desc ribes a range of injuries.
The problem begins with the nature of the sport, which may involve making the same movement repeatedly. The scope for this is enormous- serving at tennis, lifting a leg over hurdles, throwing a ball in baseball, hitting with the bat in cric ket, swinging the club on the golf c ourse or doing the butterfly stroke.The problem begins with the nature of the sport, which may involve making the same movement repeatedly.
The scope for this is enormous- serving at tennis, lifting a leg over hurdles, throwing a ball in baseball, hitting with the bat in cric ket, swinging the club on the golf c ourse or doing the butterfly stroke.Using the same muscle or area of the body to make the same movement over and over again is also the result of personal style and that can be difficult to change. - and if you were winning you wouldn't want to change it.Dancers have no choice; they must move their leg or arm in a very exact way, whether there is pain or not, for the audience is watching.
The various manifestations of repeetitive strain syndrome may be treated as described for tennis elbow on page 91. Before reading that section, however, refer to pages 88-92 where the methods employed in that section, and elsewhere in this chapter, are described in detail.
Injuries are often the result of over-extending oneself, and this in turn can be caused by the need to achieve the 'high' created by endorphin release. The very real sense of well-being given by these natural opiates is fine when it gives you the incentive to get up on a frosty winter morning and go for your two-mile daily jog, but it becomes destructive when it ac ts like a drug and more and more exercise is needed to create the same lev el of 'high'. This is when people over-extend and a part of the nody becomes strained.
So do remember that moderation is best in all things-exercise included.Professional sportsmen and women are not interested in moderationm - winning is the name of the game - but for them essential oils have prov ed extremely helpful over the years. Indeed, I doubt that there has been an Olympic games at which essential oils wern't used ewither in preparatory or recovery treatments.We can't all hope to win gold medals on the running track but jogging is an activity many people enjoy, and it's an easy sport for families to do together.
It is important when starting out not to over-exert yourself because pounding those pavements puts great strain on muscles, ankle bones and the skeletal frame, especially the lower back.Here then is a formula for people who are just learning about the strains of jogging and whic h is especially helpful for the skeletal frames. before you go running rub the oil over your feet,ankles, calves, thighs, buttocks, lower bac k and arms. The thyme will help to prevent strains.
Running Formula For Beginners
Eucalyptus | 10 drops |
Rosemary | 10 drops |
Thyme | 10 drops |
Diluted in 30ml vegetable oil |
Reference: The Fragrant Pharmacy: Valerie Ann Worwood
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- Assertive Oils For Sports, Dance and Work-Outs
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