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Problems in Pregnancy - 2 

Haemorrhoids and Varicose Veins
The worst thing about constipation is that it makes you strain which in turn may cause haemorrhoids. Varicose veins and haemorrhoids are both dilated veins and their care and treatment are the same. Keep your legs yp as often as possible, and for at least ten minutes a day lie with a pillow in the small of your back and another at the nape of yopur neck - not under the head.

You may as well take advantage of the time of enforced inactivity to mediate on the well-being of your baby. Send loving, affirmative thoughts to the baby, for positive thinking makes positive things happen. Such thought-projection is the oldest of treatments and one whose value is again being recognised.

To make an oil that will both prevent and alleviate both varicose veins and haemorrhoids use the following.

 Geranium      15 drops  Diluted in 30ml vegetable oil
 Cypress          5 drops    

Stroke the legs very gently, working upwards from ankle to thigh. The geranium will encourage the circulation of blood and cypress has an astringent effect upon the whole venous system. The oil will also help to balance the mind and alleviate doubts and anxieties. Remember that every thing you inhale will reach your baby to - so breather deeply now. ( And by the same token, if a vehicle emitting particularly noxious fumes passes as you walk along the street , hold your breath until the worst of it has passed.)

The extra pressure caused on the legs caused by pregnancy makes varicose veins a common problem at this time. As well as keeping your legs up as often as possible  try to exercise a little - even if only on the spot. Stroke your legs gently upwards while in a bath that contains 2 drops each of geranium and cypress.. you'll obviously find this easier in month five than in month nine, but do the best you can. Lavender oil makes an excellent addition to this remedy, so add 2 drops if you have any handy. Foot baths also help, especially if you place a dozen or so round pebbles in the bottom of the bowl of water and rub your feet gently back and forth over them. Add 2 drops each of geranium and cypress oils to the bowl of water.

If you already have the problem of haemorrhoids, make yourself a cream by adding 15 drops of geranium and 5 drops of cypress essential oils to the contents of a small tube of KY jelly . Simply squeeze the jelly into a small jar, add the essential oils, mix very well and rub around the anal area when required. The treatment will not only alleviate the symptoms but prevent haemorrhoids occurring in the first place.



Flatulence is embarrassing at the best of times and is one of the conditions exacerbated by pregnancy. Wind in the stomach feels very uncomfortable - especially with so much pressure on all the internal organs - and can cause shortness of breath and palpitations. When the stomach expands this extra pressure can cause angina type of pain which can be strong enough in some cases to be mistaken for a hear attack.

When wind is expelled rather noisly this may be indigestion or may sometimes, indicate something more serious , such as gall-bladder problems, or even gall, But usually flatulence is functional - that is to say, unrelated to any disease of the air during the day. Organs - and in pregnancy the most common cause is swallowing air while eating to quickly or gulping large quantities of air during the day. 

If you are eating foods which have previously upset your digestive system, such upset will only exacerbated by your present condition. Carbohydrate foods fermenting in the large colon often cause flatulence and it can be helpful to avoid foods which contain a large proportion of starch and cellouse  - peas, potatoes, pulses, carrots, and onions. Try not to swallow air and breathe through the nose if you can. If you feel like belching, do, because you dont want the extra pressure at this time, but be careful not to take in another gulp of air afterwards.

There are three essential oils which are helpful in combatting flatulence and which can be taken during pregnancy  - dill, fennel and spearmint. You can use any of these individually to make an oil for the abdomen or mix to of the three. Dilute a total of 30 drops of your chose or combination of oils in 30ml vegetable oil and rub over the abdomen several times a day. Alternatively, spearmint oil can be taken internally - but only in very small quantities once a day. Dissolve 3 drops in a tablespoon of honey and keep this mixture to use when needed. Once a day, take half a teaspoon of this honey and spearmint oil mixture in a small glass of boiled, warm water, being careful to sip slowly and to avoid taking in yet more air. 

Reference : The Fragrant Pharmacy: Valerie A Worwood  



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