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On opposite sides of the VDU hazards controversy are those who are concerned about your health and those concerned with their own wealth. I don't have to tell you who is for them, and who is against. Anybody who works on a visual display unit should read the VDU Hazards handbook produced by the London Hazards Centre Trust, even though it is depressing reading and may make you consider a new career. Even to summarise the comprehensive research contained in the handbook would take more space than I have here.

The list of complaints from people who use VDU's is so long that there is bound to be something in there you suffer from, whether it's as important as the inability to conceive a child or as unimportant as pimples. Apart from the problems you would expect - to the eyes, hands, wrists, arms, shoulders, neck, back, skin and ears - and the stress that results from the monotonous and isolated nature of much VDU work, there is a whole can of worms relating to the subtle effects of radiation and electricity as they bombard  you from a VDU. keyboard operators working away on the nation's 'invisible earnings' at the bank may themselves be incurring invisible losses they know nothing about, but which one day in the future may hit them like a bombshell.

The effects of radiation and electricity on the human organism is a subject still little understood. We are learning new things every day about electrobiology, and it is becoming clear that the invisible waves passing through the atmosphere play a crucial role in human health - or ill health. We simply do not know what effects are suffered as a result of moving from the normal atmospheric electrostatic charge of 3 volts to that eighteen inches away from a VDU screen - 150 volts per square inch. And we know nothing about the long-term effects because VDUs haven't been around long enough.

One victim may be sperm. They are exceedingly vulnerable little cells and the impact of invisible rays on them may account for the unusually high numbers of deformed babies and miscarriages that occur in women who work with VDUs. According to the VDU Hazards Handbook, women who move away from the VDU when they find out they are pregnant may be too late, not only because their partners VDU may already have caused damaged sperm and therefore a damaged foetus, but because a baby can be severely brain-damaged during the first 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, before the woman realises that she is pregnant. It may therefore be wise to give up the VDU some time before starting a family. I have to say that there is no conclusive case for linking VDUs to these dangers, merely bits of evidence which seem to be pointing  in that direction.

But it is a serious subject and one that, if you work on VDUs, you may wish to explore further. You must inform yourself and draw your own conclusions from what you learn. That may be the only choice you have in the matter of VDUs at work.

The VDU is only one contributing factor towards the high positive charge found in many offices. The metal frames of modern office blocks, air-conditioning and air-carried central heating, and fixtures and fittings made of unnatural fibres are other factors. This atmosphere is very unnatural and, according to a great deal of research, it is not good for health, including mental health. It is in this area that essential oils can help by redressing the balance. They increase the effectiveness of the negative ion effect, making things as good as they can possibly be in the circumstances. The following essential oils are those I recommend for use in the high-tech environment:

Essential OIs That Increase The Effectiveness Of Negative Ions
Cypress - Pine - Petttigraine - Lemon - Bois de Rose - Patchouli - Orange - Cedarwood - Sandalwood - Bergamot - Grapefruit

As you can see, the majority of oils on this list are from trees and are doing, in effect, is bringing the well-known beneficial effects of the forest into your own interior space. Use them in any of the room methods, preferably in a diffuser to save you trouble when replenishing supply. When you get home, compensate for the negative effect all this technology and stress is having on your immune system by using the following:

Essential Oils To Stimulate Immune Systems
Geranium - Rosemary - Lavender - Tea Tree

Reference: The Fragrant Pharmacy: Valerie Ann Worwood


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