Life Live Longevity

Repetitive Strain Syndrome - 2

Writer's Cramp
You don't have to be a writer to fet writer's cramp. Students cramming for exams, dressmakers, composers, engravers and many others who hold their hand a forearm in one position for a long time are all at risk. The main symptom is cramp in the hand which can be bad enough to bring all work to a halt and needs to be treated because, if left, it will get progressively worse.

Massage is one of the best solutions but increasing your vitamin d and calcium intake also helps. Make your own massage formula from the oils listed below, or use the formula - 1 drop essential oil per millilitre of base vegetable oil.:

Writer's Cramp Formula
Geranium 10 drops, Hyssop 5 drops, Cypress 15 drops, diluted in 30ml vegetable oil.

Writer's Cramp Essential oil
Rosemary, Geranium, Hyssop, Cypress



Tennis Elbow
Repetitive use of a screwdriver can cause so-called' tennis elbow' as easily as can a few games on the courts. The trouble is caused by straining the muscles, specifically those on the outer side of the elbow joint and below the joint. Pain, stiffness and swelling are the result.

Again, ice helps greatly, but this time place crushed ice loosely in a plastic bag and put it around the elbow, using bandages or plaster to keep it in place. Also massage essential oils into the area, then work the oil down the arm and into the hand. Make your own formula from the list below or use the formulas - 1 drop per millilitre of base vegetable oil:

Tennis Elbow Formula
Eucalyptus peppermint 10 drops, Ginger 10 drops, Rosemary 10 drops, diluted in 30ml vegetable oil.

Tennis Elbow Essential Oils
Rosemary, Ginger, Cypress Hyssop, Eucalyptus peppermint

Housemaid's knee, dustman's shoulder and weaver's bottom are just some of the names used to describe bursitis. This is inflammation of a bursa, a clumpy or fibrous tissue which is encased in membrane whose job it is to reduce friction between the body's moving parts - between bone and ligaments or tendons, for example. Typists and others who use their fingers constantly are particularly at risk, although anyone who over-uses a specific bursa can expect to get complaints. Like us, bursae insist on fair working conditions!

The ice-cup massage technique is very helpful for bursitis. You should also exercise the area in any way you can, using movements you do not employ at work. For example, typists should splay their fingers and then relax them. Also massage the area using the following formula, or make your own from the list below using 1 drop per millilitre of base vegetable oil:

Bursitis Formula
Juniper 5 drops, Chamomile Roman 10 drops, Cypress 15 drops, diluted in 30ml vegetable oil.

Bursitis Essential Oils
Juniper, Cypress, Ginger, hyssop, Chamomile Roman.

'Wry-neck' as torticollis is sometimes called, comes from holding the neck in one position for hours on end. Watching the assemble line go by to check for errors in one job that may bring it on, especially if the head is turned to one side. If you sit in a draught you could end up with your head painfully stuck in one position.

The muscles affected are the sternomastoids, the large muscles at the side of the neck which extend on either side behind the ear down to the sternum and clavicle. apply ice packs, followed by warm towels. The cabbage leaf treatment also helps a great deal. massage with the following formula, or make your own using the 1 drop per millilitre vegetable oil basis.

Torticollis Formula
Marjoram 10 drops, Basil 5 drops, Rosemary 15 drops, diluted in 30ml vegetable oil.

Torticollis Essential Oils
Rosemary, Basil, Thyme, Marjoram, Chamomile Roman


Sports Taping

Reference: The Fragrant Pharmacy: Valerie Ann Worwood

Repetitive Strain Syndrome

It seems that the human body was not designed tio repeat the same movements over and over again, because when it does so it develops all sorts of problems, from writer's cramp to tennis elbow, and even, now space invader's wrist! 'Repetitive Strain Syndrome' is a term used to describe a whole range of conditions which come from continuously using the same joints and muscles, whether typing, packing cases, operating machinery or picking grapes in the fields.

Over-using particular muscles can result in muscle fatigue, inflammation and various sorts of damage to the bones, joints, cartilage, tendons and tissue. Apart from pain and discomfort, one may experience stiffness and fatigue.

It is essential that the first symptoms of RSS are treated, as neglect can lead in later life to the development of conditions such as arthritis. lessening your chances of developing RSS is important too and can often be achieved very simply by using ergonomic furniture, varying the working posture and breaking up repetitive actions - although all this is easier said than done. And it's no use getting a new chair  if you are still going to slump over the keyboard!

In countries where RSS is recognised as a compensatory injury at work it is keeping a lot of lawyers in brisk business. In Britain you may have trouble persuading your boss that you have a work-related condition and need time off work. This is one reason for getting a medical opinion. You also need an accurate diagnosis. In this section I cover seven conditions which could be classified as Repetitive Strain Syndrome, starting with tenosynovitis-a term often wrongly applied to other conditions in this group.

inflammation of the fibrous sheaths which enclose the tendons of the ankles and wrists as tenosynovitis. When these parts of the body become inflamed there is immediate pain and a dull ache which can travel up the forearms or legs. Other symptoms are cracking and grinding noises, numbness, tingling sensations, stiffness and increasing weakness. Sometimes the joints swell. Tenosynovitis mainly affects people who use their hands and wrists for long periods of time-from pianists and computer whizz-kids to carpenters, painters and decorators.

Treat this condition as soon as you can. Use Ice-massage on the affected area and massage frequently. Use the following formula or make your own from the list that follows:

Tenosynovitis Massage Formula
Peppermint 10 drops-Lavender 10 drops- Eucalyptus 10 drops, diluted in 30ml vegetable oil.

Tenosynovitis Essential Oils
Chamomile Roman, Lavender, Chamomile German, Eucalyptus lemon, Peppermint, Eucalyptus peppermint.

Inflammation of the tendons of the wrists can become a work hazard if the fingers and joints start to lock. Again, this is a condition that affects people who use their hands a great deal in their work. Symptoms usually start with a tingling numbness in the fingers  and hand. Ice-massage the affected area and massage with the following essential oils.

Tendinitis Massage Formula
Rosemary 10 drops, Lavender 10 drops, Peppermint 10 drops, diluted in 30ml vegetable oil.

Tendinitis Essential oils
Rosemary, Ginger, Lavender, Eucalyptus lemon, Peppermint, Eucalyptus peppermint.

Typists and clerical workers are particularly prone to develop these harmless but unsightly swellings that appear on the back of the hand or wrist. Ganglions are cysts. They look like a round nodule of jelly under the surface of the skin and will move around if pressed. They can be dispersed gradually by gentle massage and essential oils. When massaging, concentrate on the area of the swelling only. Make your own formula from the list of oils below, or use the synergistic blend - 1 drop per millilitre of base vegetable oil. massage three times a day.

Ganglion Synergistic Blend
Ginger 8 drops, Basil 5 drops, Patchouli 10 drops, Juniper 7 drops

Ganglion Essential Oils
Ginger, Basil, Juniper, Patchouli, Thyme linalol


Body Liniment

Reference: The Fragrant Pharmacy: Valerie Ann Worwood


Back Problems 

It has been estimated in Britain alone thirty million working days are lost each year through backache. The world-wide figures for lost production must be staggering and yet nobody has come up with a solution to the problem of chronic back pain. Instead we are told that it is an inevitable of our forefathers having got up from the all-fours position very millennia ago. In other words, It's just something you have to put up with.

One of the most exasperating aspects of back pain is that unless you are actually in spasm nobody can actually see you have a problem, and telling the boss you are in agony so can't come into work can be met with disbelief. On the other hand, when you tell someone you have back pain they invariably say 'Oh, I have that too' and proceed to launch into a monologue about how ghastly theirs is!

Sometimes back pain is due to specific physical reasons such as a slipped disc, and for this remedies can be found But more often than not it is just the pain of strain. Slouching over a keyboard  for fifty-two weeks  of the year leads to trouble, or lifting boxes the wrong way.

Bad posture, digging the garden and staggering home with the shopping after a long day's work can all cause problems. Falls and whiplash can reappear as back pain years later, and a number of degenerative diseases cause back pain too.

But the spine is one of the most important parts of the body and needs special care. It does, after all, house the spinal cord which is actually a part of the brain. Serious back damage can cause paralysis and a whole range of other problems. One of the best preventative measures involves strengthening the stomach muscles so that compensatory action doesn't need to be take by the muscles that support the back. 

This exercise is especially important for those who have bad posture or bad muscle tone: lie on the floor with your arms crossed and slowly lift the upper half of your body, using only the upper and lower stomach muscles. Breathe out as you lift up and in as you roll down. Start slowly and increase to twenty of these roll-ups per day. Not only will they improve your posture and strengthen your back, they will also help you lose weight.

There are many types of back pain: lumbago, which affects the lower back; sciatica, which causes pain in the buttocks radiating out to the thighs and legs; fibrositis, tender bundles of fibrous tissues within the muscle; arthritis, spondylosis; curvature of the spine; slipped discs; and pains caused by weak back muscles, weak abdominal muscles and tension.

Essential oils can provide wonderful relief from chronic back pain. They penetrate deeply into the muscle tissues, encouraging contracted muscles to expand, they increase blood flow to the area, and allow torn fibrous tissues to be repaired by the body. Use these essential oils to best advantage in these blends, i drop per millilitre base oil:

Essential Oils to Treat Back Pain
Thyme (all types) Cypress-juniper-Balsam de Peru-Peppermint-Sage-Camphor-Eucalyptus- Angelica-Chamomile (both) Rosemary-Oregano-Vetiver-Ginger-Basil-Benzoin-Lavender-R1 Formula

And here are three synergistic blend Formulas that are very good for alleviating back pain.

Formula 1: Rosemary 10 drops - marjoram 10 drops - Sage 10 drops

Formula 2: Lavender 10 drops-Eucalyptus 10 drops-Ginger 10 drops

Formula 3: Peppermint 10 drops-Rosemary 10 drops-Basil 10 drops

All diluted in 30ml vegetable oil

Massage eases any type of backache. Get a friend to do it for you. If this is impossible, massaging the lower back yourself is relatively easy, although you will find the upper back more difficult. But the oils can still be applied to the area where they will penetrate through to the tissues, by putting them on a sponge or cloth and attaching it to a back brush, or something similar.

Ice-massage is a very effective method of treating lumbago, sciatica and fibrositis. Typists and clerical workers are prone to develop these conditions, which are often caused by sitting in one position for too long. They usually effect the upper back muscles and cause a chronic ache, often with the muscles going into spasm.

Ice-massage is also very helpful on any area that feels inflamed. To prepare the ice you need several polystyrene cups. Fill them with water and freeze, then cut the cup down so that the ice is protruding.

Massage over the sore area in circular movements.

Reference: The Fragrant Pharmacy: Valerie Ann Worwood



A hospital unit is as likely to see a burn fron contact with corrosive materials, electricity, radiation or boiling liquids as from contact with fire. Many of these case are the result of accidents at work. The depth and severity of the burn is something that should be assesses in hospital. The classifications of first, second and third degree burns depend upon the depth of the burn rather than the are concerned,  and sometimes a burn can be more serous than it appears.

Electrical burns can be particularly misleading because the damage can extend for some distance beneath the skin. A dangerous element of all burns is shock, which can develop some hours after the accident. The degree of shock depends upon the area of the burn. If 10 per cent or more of the skin area has been affected the shock will probably be serious enough  to need hospitalisation, so don't play the hero and just go home to rest because things could get worse Infection is another danger with burns.

Four essential oils provide excellent treatment for first degree burns and shock.

Essential oils For Treating Burns
Lavender-Chamomile Roman-Yarrow-Chamomile German
Any of the above used singly has a remarkable healing capacity on burns, clearing them up in no time, removing the pain, and in many cases preventing blistering and scarring. Using them in a synergistic blend can be even more effective.

Electrical Burns
These are usually worse than they look so make sure you get a medical opinion on them. Before you do anything, however, it is vital to immerse the affected area in cold water as soon as possible. Burns of any description involve a proces known as denaturation which is the killing of protein, the material of which living matter is composed. If you can imagine the tissuebeneath your skin as an egg white form of a cooked egg you will understand why it is so crucial to stop this process as soon as possible.

Keep the burnt area in the cold water for a good ten minutes, even if the pain is subsiding. The point being - you want to get all the heat out of the area as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the living tissue beneath your skin.

On no account put butter or vegetable oil on the skin as this will only keep the heat in and make the burn worse. Having cooled the burn in cold water you should cool the area with a compress. This can be made from gauze, if you have it, or a piece of sterile material-If someone has a cleaned ironed hankie us that if that is the best you can do.

But if you can't find something really clean it is better not to use anything. Soak the material in ice-cold water, add the essential oils and apply it to the burnt area. Use 1 drop of essential oil for each square inch of skin affected. Use any of the above on their own or the synergistic blend given below. If burns are a hazard in your workplace, this formula should be ready and waiting in the first-aid box:

Burns Synergistic Blend
Lavender 10 drops-Chamomile German 10 drops-Chamomile Roman-5
drops-Mix together in these proportions.
As the lavender is antibiotic this also reduces the risk of infection.

Corrosive Burns
Follow the advice given on previous pages. Although most chemicals will have a neutralising agent , interaction between the two usually generates more heat and could just make things worse. Wash the area thoroughly in cold, running water from the tap. Then apply the essential oils neat and cover with a cold, wet, clean cloth.

Burns can also be treated with a blend of aloe vera and essential oils. use 2 drops of the synergistic blend to 1 tablespoon aloe vera and apply to the burnt area three times a day. Take 100 mg of vitamin C daily to assist the healing and alleviate the effects of shock. You'll need to replace the fluids that have been lost through shock, so have plenty of drinks and include honey, glusoce or sugar in them.

Reference: The Fragrant Pharmacy: Valerie Anne Worwood

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